Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I created my pbwiki after a few problems.
1) bouncing email & 2) slow confirmation of the account.

I can see using this a private reciepe list of what you want to keep in one place.

Here is my link


Monday, March 10, 2008

Friday, March 7, 2008

2nd Life

Just started. Can not get Quicktime to load.

I have been working on catching up on the Blue 2.0 workshops this afternoon.

I worked thru the instructions. That is a very neat feature and can be very handy.

This Google Docs site could also be very useful.

I'm still having problems sign onto pbwiki.

This is just great. I really like this function.

pbwiki problem

I'm trying to create my wiki account. I keep getting a message that my email account is bouncing.

I am using my correct email address can someone please --- HELP. :(


Well I recheck to see if I had gotten the Bloglines done correctly. It was!!!!!
It just took several weeks to get back into the game.

Next post to follow soon.